Appreciation to CAPT Chev. George Custodi, GCTJ, CMTJ, Deputy Grand Prior, Region III

Last week, our Deputy Grand Prior for Region III stepped down (due to extended health issues) from his duties after many years of service in the DGP position. His Excellency CAPT Chev. George Custodi, GCTJ, CMTJ, has been a faithful mentor – a rock-solid example of what a 21st-century Templar actually looks like in his chivalrous manner, his words, and authentic Christlike deeds.

I have personally depended on Brother George over these past years for his professional and personal advice during important and challenging times. Claudia and I have enjoyed visiting with him and Sandi at their lovely home in Aiken, S.C., and the opportunities we have had to break bread and share a glass of wine – along with Templar stories aplenty.

A particular thing that I cherish is when Brother George calls us in the midst of his Carolina mountain peak hikes to share the astonishing spectacle of God’s unparalleled creation that he is experiencing so that we too might rejoice in its immediate glory. That frames HE Chev. Custodi precisely – a man who personally assures that all the i’s are dotted and the t’s are crossed, that the commas are all in place, never neglecting that every jot and tittle is properly positioned.  And yet, with the same attention to detail, he is able to absorb, frame, and describe the nuances of God’s awesome creation and His hand in our lives at a moment’s notice without losing even half a pace in his stride.

Brother George’s mighty persona, and his genuine love for our Order and the Order’s Templars, will be missed at the DGP level. But, we still have CAPT George Custodi’s contact information – and by God’s grace, his mentorship, immeasurable experience, invaluable advice, and treasured friendship will continue unabated.

Brother George – Grazie infinite con rispetto!


At the moment, Assistant Deputy Grand Prior, Region III, Her Excellency Chvse. Lisa F. Donant, GCTJ, is carrying on the DGP duties and responsibilities. We appreciate all of her assistance and look forward to the possibility of her joining us for our October Convent and Investiture in Titusville, Florida!