Accessing the Templar Mind

As a novelist, I use a powerful tool drawn from true life for character development called “character awareness.” Real humans have a very conscious and profoundly deep, seminal knowledge of who they are in the deepest core of their being. That “character self-awareness” comprises the most profound knowledge of our truest self. Only God knows us this completely – and even far more intimately.

This minutely detailed self-awareness is the most powerful single kernel of energy that drives us, guides us, shapes us, and motivates our behavior each minute of every day. It is so powerful that people will die to preserve it, for this core attribute comprises the individual identity of self that is protected at all costs, even to death.

It is what drives people to self-sacrifice as members of the military. It is what Corey Comperatore modeled when he sacrificed his own life to shelter his family with his body as the assassin’s bullets rained down. And all the Apostles, save the one who perished from natural causes, died a martyr’s death rather than deny their Savior.

As Templars, we have integrated to some extent a real-life Templar reality in our own character self-awareness. For some, it is just another class of civic duty. To others, it has gravitated toward the core of life where the most powerful of all personal identities lie. To these Templars, the cross of the Martyr that emblazons the mantle of the Order has a literal meaning.

So, where do you stand as a Templar? The outcome of your Templar self-awareness migration significantly determines the pattern of your thoughts and actions, and the establishment of your daily priorities – which extend to life priorities. But in each Christian’s life, we must seek God’s direction for our personal commitments.

Just so you know, being an active and devoted Templar is seriously important to me, but it resides behind a rather significant list of greater priorities. My wife Claudia would soon become justifiably unhappy if I were to wear my full Knightly armor to bed each night. If all my time, talents, and treasure were diverted solely to SMOTJ as my single passion, it would destroy any semblance of balance in my life and family.

So, I have established priorities: my Lord Master Jesus, my wife, my family, my extended family, my private enterprises, and finally, the Templar Order. But notice that while being a Templar rates sixth on the list in my self-awareness profile, it is still very high on my priority list – right alongside the most important things! In fact, it is monumentally important and has received a significant slice of my life measured in hours, days, and income.

I relate this to you, beloved Templar, because, as I stated previously, such self-awareness becomes the second most powerful single kernel of energy in our minds that drives us, guides us, shapes us, and motivates our behavior every minute of every day.

So, what is the single most powerful mental force that overrides everything else and guides each of us as Templars? Since all of us have pledged that we are authentic Christians and are therefore indwelled by the Holy Spirit of Grace, we were given the inestimable gift of the Mind of Christ at the moment of our redemption. (1 Corinthians 2:16) The Mind of Christ is the core of all that we are – and from that Presence, we derive all our energy and purpose.

Therefore, I urge you to stop for just a moment and think about this. How do you and I discover our truest motivations and the requisite energy that drives everything that we truly are? Where do our Templar roots truly reside?

Where does this important Templar association fit into your life? I cannot imagine that there is actually any essentially “correct” response to this question for any of us, and the response is very likely to be vastly different between us all. In fact, the “right answer,” committed to you by the indwelling Mind of Christ, is entirely between you and God.

It is only important that you know the answer for yourself – because the reply may drive you to want to participate more, to tune in with greater frequency, and to learn more about the Oath that you have taken. Our Order and our contribution to the Christians at risk in the Holy Land and the Middle East is only as strong as the combined investment of each of our individual selves. And that investment has a real currency: time, a truly dedicated and caring heart, and making your presence known in the Priory on a regular basis.

Some of that responsibility lies with the Priory leadership which establishes those periodic connection places and times. We call this “enhanced engagement.”

Your responsibility is to simply genuinely desire to become a regular part of the Priory of The Temple Church (reading your Priory emails is a real start…). But where does that actual desire come from? It is powered by the Mind of Christ and ultimately your own sense of self-awareness as you act out who you really are in your daily journey across life’s tumultuous and awfully uncertain landscape.

I can assure you that no one is watching. No one is keeping score or taking notes. But we miss you when you are not there and pray sincerely that we will engage you in fellowship once again very soon.

Please let me know how I can help you because you are a very important and very essential part of our great Priory team! And believe me when I say – we do sincerely miss you and your company when you are unable to attend!