In Space, No One Can Hear a Templar Scream

The title of this Battlefield Report is from the very successful tagline of a SciFi movie from the 1970s. The statement actually describes a scientific principle. Any sound requires a medium of propagation – such as air. In the absence of that medium – like in the near-perfect vacuum of space – no sound can move from its origin to an ear that can hear it. A Templar Priory is like that. In the absence of a medium of propagation, all the members hear is silence. Silence in any Priory virtually guarantees stagnation and decline. The medium of propagation in…

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Prior’s Battlefield Report – Real Templars Seminar Series

We are excited to announce The Temple Church Real Templars Seminar Series – real Templars sharing their intriguing stories, fascinating experience, and inside knowledge on interesting and diverse topics that are sure to capture your attention and pique your curiosity. We will offer the 2024 quarterly free seminars on the second Thursday of June, August, and November at 7:00 PM with a targeted duration of 1 hour, to include a short intro of the speaker, their presentation, and a post-seminar Q&A session. And you can attend these live presentations from the comfort and convenience of your home – or no…

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Temple Church 2024-2026 Roadmap

This week’s Templar Battlefield Report is a brief video of the Prior’s presentation recorded at the 20 April Business Meeting during the Convent and Investiture weekend in Ocala. I encourage you to view the short, informative 14-minute clip. It describes a clear and concise road map for The Temple Church that I intend to travel with you for the next two years as it is my privilege to serve you as Prior VII. I pray to our GOD that it will be an exciting, productive, and absorbing journey for you, characterized by ENHANCED ENGAGEMENT leading to SUSTAINABILITY of our Templar…

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The Die is Cast, I Will Find a Way or Make One!

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12 In this first Prior’s Report to be submitted by me to the Priory each week for the next two years in a series of 104 reports, I wanted to be sure and clearly articulate the spirit of my time as your servant leader. I wish to establish this theme as a battlefield, for that is what it really is. As our forefathers spent their lives…

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