Living Like a Templar

As Prior, it’s very easy not to forget I am a Templar Knight. My responsibility to the Priory requires constant attention or things fall apart very quickly and, invariably, something vital would not get done. Therefore, having to consistently work as a Templar each day refreshes the reality of who I really am: a Christ Follower, husband, father, granddad, and a Templar – in that order.

A lot of other identities follow Templar, of course, for I am truly blessed to have an overflowing plate in this life. “I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every person should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all their labor—it is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:12-13)

To recap what it really means to live the life of an authentic Templar Knight day by day, a single word easily sums up the Templar’s daily lifestyle: chivalry.

Our culture is so steeped in modernity that the word chivalry itself sounds a bit stuffy, anachronistic, and Victorian. Perhaps that is because we live in an age that is driven by a powerful social narrative rather than in a time driven exclusively by God’s Word.

Our culture’s prime directive is focused inward instead of outward. In stark contrast, chivalry is an outward-driven philosophy, making others, their needs and comfort our prime directive – certainly not self. Said the Apostle Paul, “…with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves…” (Philippians 2:3) The failure to follow this wisdom from the Word of God would immediately explain why chivalry has fallen on hard times in our 21st-century culture.

The chivalric code of conduct was developed to enhance two fundamental patterns of human behavior within each individual – those of nobility and of honor. Chivalry’s roots were firmly set within the Christian institution of Knighthood – in the codes of conduct of our Templar forefathers derived in whole from Holy Scripture. Hence, we inherited their code and in the 21st century we Templars still live by it as a part of our SMOTJ mission objectives, as stated unambiguously and upfront on our public-facing website:

Modern Chivalry: Upholding Timeless Ideals. SMOTJ embodies the values of chivalry – honor, courage, compassion, and service. We strive to uphold these ideals in our daily lives while carrying forward the rich history and legacy of the Knights Templar.”

Therefore, if I intend to live my life as an authentic Templar Knight in the Kingdom of God that surrounds me wherever I go (Luke 17:20-21), then I must live by my Templar Oath and conduct my daily Templar affairs according to a chivalric code as directed by the narrative of Christ and His Holy Word. Our forefathers knew this well, for they were all cloistered men of God before anything else – including the battlefield. And it was this devotion to the Kingdom of God and our Champion and Savior from which chivalry was born.

How Does One Actually Do Chivalry?

There is a book on chivalry that all of us must read. It is called the Word of God. All of our precepts were seeded from this document. While various “Chivalric Codes” have been printed over the centuries, all of them, save the Word itself, are unnecessary. Chivalry never springs forth from a human authored page, but from the committed heart thoroughly steeped in the Holy Writ of God.

Chivalry walks about on two feet – the feet of the Templar. And from there, its nobility and honor are on clear display. But more importantly, the power of this chivalric nobility and honor are made available by the Christian Templar to all others, for “…there is no distinction between (fellow Christian) Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all.” (Colossians 3:11)

As an engineer, I am compelled to define my use of the expression “power of chivalric nobility and honor.”  Power is a term that defines “the rate of energy transferred or converted” and sometimes as “the rate of doing work.” The power of chivalry is therefore focused outward from the Templar toward another person as a sacred work of the Kingdom directed from the one who has been given the supernatural energy of the indwelling Holy Spirit of Grace transferred to another who needs it – often desperately.

Templar eyes seek others to lift up, to edify, to heal, and to provide them comfort and sweet companionship. Templar ears listen. Templar mouths only open to speak God’s wisdom and peace, thereby provoking joy, never sorrow, anger or strife.

Templar hands open literal doors for anyone – male or female – just as they open spiritual doors of relief, comfort, and prayer to everyone God places in their paths – fellow Christian, Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freeman, Democrat or Republican – it literally matters not!

Chivalry is not dead, fellow Templar. It truly lives on within each of us. Chivalry is an ideal set into a code that is converted to a work driven by a real Power that heals, soothes, carries, and lifts up, truly and deeply caring for all of God’s precious created beings. Chivalry is a smile that never fades, a heart that never fails to beat for another opportunity to serve.

Chivalry is a direct, exceptionally wide tap with no valve, always open to receive more energy, connected directly to the endless Wellspring of the River of Life that flows from the Throne of Grace into our hearts in a stream that is infinite and has no end at all.

Look in the nearest mirror, beloved. What you see is the face of chivalry – the face of honor, courage, compassion, and service. Use chivalry liberally. There is an unlimited amount always available to those committed to ceaselessly building the eternal Kingdom of God.