Next Up – Virtual Business Meetings!

Next Sunday, 15 September 2024, is the inaugural Temple Church Virtual Business Meeting at 7:00 PM.

As a Priory member, you are strongly encouraged to be present. We want your input!

Our semiannual Business Meeting is your opportunity to listen to the Officer and Scholarship Committee updates, participate in planning discussions, offer your comments, and help determine how Temple Church moves forward as we continue to engage our Templars and perform the SMOTJ mission to serve and protect Christians at risk in the Holy Land and Middle East.

Priory business meetings were formerly held during Convent and Investiture weekends either before or after the C&I. Besides the impact of trying to fit the meeting into an opportune time slot with sufficient minutes during the busy day, this arrangement also required renting space for the meeting which significantly increased the cost of the event registration.

And we had to bring all the sound and projection equipment with us which heavily impacted requirements for key officers to be available for set-up and take-down. In some cases, the event contract required us to actually rent this equipment from the venue, further increasing costs. And, despite our best efforts, some of the venues didn’t provide all attendees with clear, unimpaired viewing of the screen or the sound was not optimal to easily understand whoever was speaking – presentor or attendee with a question or comment.

But worst of all, Priory members who were unable to attend the weekend C&I were cut out of the privilege of taking part in the business updates, planning, and discussions for the Priory.

Introducing the Priory Virtual Business Meeting that solves so many of those problems. Volia! No travel is required, no rooms or equipment need to be leased, no more time crunch impact on the C&I weekend, no more not being able to see or hear everything, no one is left out – and everyone can afford to attend.

Be on the lookout!

You will receive the official Temple Church Virtual Business Meeting notification with the link to attend by email in the next day or so.

Looking forward to “seeing” you next Sunday. Please let me know if you have any questions.