Swinging the Templar Sword Underwater

I am a Templar Knight – for real. It is my calling from God.

I am also an Aquanaut – for real. It too is my calling from God.

Therefore, you can take my word for this: it is MUCH more difficult to swing my Templar sword under the ocean than it is on the shore!

You may think that this bit of Templar knowledge is of dubious importance. But I can assure you, it is not.

I am also a NASA engineer and scientist. These too are my calling from God. From this experience, I can tell you that the reason the sword swings much easier ashore than under the waves is: resistance. Factually, it is exactly 840 times easier to wield a sword on shore than in seawater. Now that is a lot of proportional resistance!

My sword, which I have christened Elijah (1 Kings 18), is so heavy that swinging it in the air is difficult enough. Swinging it under the sea would be monumentally difficult and the battle would not last very long.

Serving in any organization that is infected with division is just like swining a sword underwater. Division is one of our enemy’s tools of resistance that is used to kill, steal, and destroy any group of Christ followers so unfortunate as to be infested by it. It is exactly like swinging the sword under the waves – it makes the advancement of that organization’s cause greater than 840 times more difficult.

Fortunately, today the Priory of the Temple Church is NOT infected by the enemy’s curse of division! And it is my tasking from God as Prior to make sure that the great deceiver never misdirects or contaminates us by employing that bitter toxin.

And how do we do that – since people are always going to be people and will occasionally disagree? We do that by reading and observing God’s Word – modeling and setting the tone as is commanded in scripture:

“…make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves…” (Philippians 2:2-3)

Just as our forefathers were committed to our Lord Master and His Holy Word, nothing has changed in the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem or in the Priory of The Temple Church. Division is decisively checked among us and through each of us by the power of our faith in obedience to God’s Word every time, every day, every hour that we serve the Templar Order of His Righteous Majesty.