Temple Church’s Council of Elders

In the Priory of the Temple Church, there have been six Priors who have preceded me as Prior VII. Hence, there has been a Prior leading us for over a decade, always assisted in the background by their predecessors. According to the SMOTJ Manual of the Order, these assembled Past Priors are sometimes referred to as the “Council of Elders.” (SMOTJ Manual of the Order, V 5.0 – Marshal’s Manual, p. 5)

Shown here is the Council of Elrond, described in chapter two of the second book of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, where the elders of three kingdoms were called together to decide the fate of the world.

Below is the current Priory of The Temple Church esteemed Council of Elders (Left – Right):

Prior I:      Chev. Thomas “Ted” E. Seater, CMTJ, GCTJ

Prior II:     Chev. Frederick “Fred” F. Gaines, Jr., GOTJ

Prior III:   Chev. Nelson S. Gwinn, III, MD, GOTJ

Prior IV:   Lt Col Chev. Robert “Bob” S. Miller, GMTJ, GCTJ

Prior V:    COL Chvse. Christine V. O’Donnell, RN, GOTJ

Prior VI:   Chvse. Linda M. Ross, MBA, GOTJ

The Council of Elders in the Priory of The Temple Church is unlikely to be called upon to decide the fate of the world. However, I just wanted you to know that these very influential members of our Priory are invited to all Priory Executive Committee meetings. Their expertise, experience, and advice comprise an invaluable and immeasurable asset for the 5 Priory Executive Committee members as they diligently strive to manage the functioning of the Priory – especially since the Elders themselves have previously held the various positions of the ExCom.

The Word of God describes the importance of the elders of the Church and even states in 1 Timothy 5:1 that they are “worthy of double honor.” So why are our Elders worthy? It is because, for more than a decade, these men and women have been called to sacrifice, to endure, to judge rightly, to lead, and to shape the Priory into what it is today. Their wisdom is based on insight that can only be attained through leadership, a clear understanding of what makes our Templar organization great, and, most importantly, One-on-one council with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Personally, I thank God for these individuals whose examples I admire and in whose footprints I humbly trod each day. I just want you to recognize their names: Chev. Ted Seater, Chev. Fred Gaines, Chev. Dr. Nelson Gwinn, Chev. Bob Miller, Chvse. Christine O’Donnell, and Chvse. Linda Watson. Today, Temple Church is what they have shaped us to be – and they are truly worthy of double honor!


In case you missed the SMOTJ announcement Tuesday morning, I’m reposting it here for you.

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 Loss of our Royal Patron

With sadness, I share with you the news of the passing on August 12 of our Royal Patron, HRH Princess Elisabeth of Ysenburg and Büdingen.

His Excellency Ennio Senese, GCTJ, Grand Prior of the Netherlands, writes:

“Princess Elisabeth was more than a Royal Patron; she was a steadfast friend, a tireless supporter, and a fierce defender of our Order. Through her dedication, she infused our endeavors with dignity, distinction, and chivalric virtue, often at moments when they were most needed. Her contributions to our cause have left an indelible mark, elevating our Order to heights of respect and recognition across the world.

“Despite her fragile health, Princess Elisabeth remained a committed presence, attending as many events as her condition would allow. I fondly recall her pivotal role in placing our Order on the global stage, particularly during our visit to Jordan in 2015. Her efforts in securing the support of the King of Jordan for our Jordan River baptismal site project were instrumental. Alongside our recently departed Grand Master Emeritus Patrick Rea, she ensured that our international Order made significant inroads, enabling us to carry out our work with great success.

“We take comfort in the belief that our Creator will now embrace Princess Elisabeth with His eternal light and love. As we mourn her loss, our thoughts and prayers are with the family she leaves behind. We extend to them our deepest sympathies and wish them much love and strength during this difficult time.

“Her Highness Princess Elisabeth will forever be remembered for her grace, her courage, and the profound impact she had on our Order and all who had the privilege to know her.”