The Resilient Respect of Templar Politics

One of the things that always awes and surprises me about fellowshipping with Templars is their approach to politics. And what is that approach? It is described in a pair of words: resilient respect.

I have rarely seen this code of respect broken in the years I have been associated with SMOTJ. When political seasons come and go, when the culture outside is having its periodic meltdowns, when the rumors of extraordinary social division and the cyclic drumbeat of “inevitable civil war” spring up once again, the climate among groups of Templars is reliably always bathed in resilient respect for one another.

Of course, Templar behavior in the 21st century is tempered by the same code of our ancient forefathers – chivalry. The war drums beating loudly outside our fellowship, set in motion by an antagonistic spiritual enemy who encourages division, are silent inside our gatherings. Our respect and love for one another wholly eclipse the raucous noise outside.

The concern in our gatherings is not at all on who is going to “win” in November, but rather, on how we can each make one another feel more comfortable, welcome, and at peace when we gather together. It has been my consistent observation that while many of us may have totally opposite political persuasions, the value of individual opinions has no weight at all inside our gatherings. Only our Templar family unit, the peace between us, and our resilient respect for each other are the focus of our attentions.

The words of Philippians 2:3 come to my mind as I witness the quality of our Templar fellowship:

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves…”

Once more, you can see the origins of the core precepts of chivalry through this verse. Our creed and code are built upon an authentic external-facing love. The fruit of that respect is peace with one another, regardless of our political persuasions. Genuine Templar respect is resilient solely because it is supernaturally driven by the Spirit of the Living God Who indwells each of us.

As the culture once more experiences its every-four-year meltdown, fear, loathing, and  suspicion, remember that there is true peace among us, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and discipline.” (2 Timothy 1:7)

  1. Who am I going to vote for? Whomever God leads me to… and that is between Him and me! Be at peace, brothers and sisters. God’s flawless, eternally resilient peace is structured by His plan which is always perfect and never gets derailed. When the smoke clears, know that God’s will has been accomplished. And then, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

As of today, the national insanity has only 75 days remaining before, hopefully, the very marginally organized idiocracy will finally have spent itself for this cycle.

Until then, you can at least take some comfort in this one inalienable, temporal fact:

“In every political disagreement, there are always two sides – yours and the bonehead’s.”