The Reason for the Weekly Battlefield Report

I’ve discovered that there is some sensitivity to my often deliberate display of a historically accurate image of our combat-ready forefathers fighting on a battlefield in my weekly communication header graphic. Perhaps there is even discomfort with what might be viewed as evocative language embedded in the title Battlefield Report.

I fully understand and totally respect at least one reason for that. In this 21st century, Knights and Dames of the Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem are not combat-ready for many very good and scripturally consistent reasons, even though we are classified as a “Military Order.” If SMOTJ was focused on physical battle against humans of any stripe, I can assure you I would not be a member of such an Order – unless, of course, I was very strongly and unambiguously motivated by God.

Yet, be assured that there is another reason that I have adopted this title, and that is also for a very powerful reason found in the book of Ephesians consisting of just 32 words that  unambiguously explains it all:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12 NIV)

As Christians, we are called and commanded to this spiritual battlefield every moment of each day of our lives. As the Apostle Paul instructed his spiritual son, Timothy, in 2 Timothy 2:3, “Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”

The Ephesians verse reminds us that “our struggle is not against flesh and blood.” Thus, by God’s own words to each of us as Templars, we recognize that we are not organized against any nation, race, creed, religion, or even any individual.

The ungodly on this Earth have been captured by a supernatural satanic power they cannot even detect, much less understand or defend themselves against. But instead of fighting them, we are to rise to their defense by the love of Christ within us.

Instead of wishing death on them, our Lord Master has commanded that we are to pray for them, bless them, and desire the free gift of eternal life for them all – an attitude that earns us the title of “sons and daughters of the Most High God,” as together we wish life on them – eternal life – certainly not death! (Matthew 5:44-45)

In clear retrospect, each of us was blindly fighting God right alongside them before Jesus individually rescued us from a horrible eternal fate of separation from our Righteous Father. (Romans 5:10)

So, then why is there a Battlefield Report?

Because there are two core truths found in Ephesians 6:12. We certainly do not make our lives a fight against people! However, we are called to a daily struggle and very real fight against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

In truth, fellow Templar, the red cross on our mantles is not just a bygone dress-up symbol that makes us look good, but it is just as real and authentic for us in this century as it was for our warrior-monk forefathers.

That red cross which represents martyrdom is all about a real spiritual battlefield that we awaken to and walk out upon each day of our lives. Not only are we called to this spiritual battlefield, we are commanded to it!

And one day, each of us will die on that field of eternal struggle and not return to our Earthly home.

That truth is made clear at each Convent and Investiture we attend, with these words: “Knights, Dames, and Companions of the Order of Merit, raise the right hand upon the heart. Let us meditate. Think of what will be when we are no more – and never forget that we all must die.” Thus, while wearing our mantles, we place our hands over our heart – and therefore our fingers, by design, invariably touch that red cross of martyrdom.

In this way, each of us individually and silently join that meditation wearing the cross of the Order emblazoned brightly on our mantles and hung around our necks. It is a cross that signifies our willingness to give everything on the spiritual battlefield –without compromise, without retreat, and knowing that on our last day, we will close our eyes in this world upon that field of combat and awaken in the Heavenly Kingdom of God we have struggled so valiantly to represent each day that we live.

As you well know, our Templar motto is from Psalm 115:1:

Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam.

Not unto us, Lord, not unto us, but to Thy Name give glory….”

But that represents only half of verse one. The second half ends with a pair of powerful ideas that amplifies the first part:

“…for Thy mercy, and for Thy truth’s sake.”

God’s Mercy is channeled through us by our obedience – which is found in our authentic and genuine love and even our sacrifice on behalf of our flesh and blood enemies.

But His Truth demonstrated in each of us can be found only on the spiritual battlefield. It is that sacred ground on which we freely sacrifice our lives for the epic, generational, and daily struggle against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

It is our command from the Captain of the Lord’s Army – and it is His full expectation that we will not only actually show up there, but that we will get serious, and get down to the business exclusively engaged upon the spiritual battlefields to which all soldiers of Christ are called.