Preserving the Christian Light in the Holy Land

Every new generation of Christians has a new calling – because every generation lives in a different world than their predecessors. In our case as Templars, our world is profoundly different than our Templar forefathers lived in nearly a millennia before us.

But we do share one most essential thing – and that is our reason for existing as a functioning entity in the Kingdom of God. Our Templar predecessors and we exist for exactly the same reason: to keep the roads of Jerusalem safe and open to Christians and all worshipers who are led there by God to worship, and for some to live out their lives where Jesus walked.

The combined activities of The Temple Church are many and varied, from Spiritual Retreats and Convents and Investitures to virtual seminars and small group gatherings. We come together from all over the state of Florida – from Key West to the far west panhandle – and even into southern Alabama. But in all this activity, we have a singular prime directive: preserving the Christian light in the Holy Land. We accomplish this by safely sustaining the presence of our Christian family in the place where Christ walked.

Yet, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has warned that “Christians in the Middle East are at risk of imminent extinction due to the continued threat of violence, murder, intimidation, prejudice and poverty.”1

Francesco Patton, the Catholic Church’s Custos of the Holy Land, has said that Christians in the Holy Land face the “threat of extinction.”  He has pointed out that “In recent years, the lives of many Christians have been made unbearable.”2

So how do we as 21st-century Templars respond to all this, as we are inescapably and quite literally hamstrung on every side by political, military, and theological boundaries, financial constraints, international treaties, and countless other barriers between us and our brothers and sisters in Christ living in the land of the Holy One?

I am very, very happy to reply that that is an astonishingly easy question to answer!

We respond by relaxing, hanging our ceremonial swords back on the wall, sitting down, and enjoying a hot cup of java. We have the incredible opportunity here to be truly available to God’s plan and function exactly as He commands each of us – and, in the process, please the Commander of the Army of the Lord. (Joshua 5:13-15)

The situation certainly “seems” inescapably problematic. And, for mere humans, it truly is! But for our Lord Master and those who serve Him – it is nothing. As a matter of fact, everything is unfolding exactly as GOD planned it before the foundation of the world. (1 Peter 1:20) None of this has ever been outside His sovereign control for even a single second.

Our task, therefore, is to accept in perfect peace our Oath of Templar office to do whatever GOD commands of us to keep the roads of Jerusalem safe and open to Christians and all worshipers. Trust me, GOD opens and closes doors for each of us as He wishes.

The Lord will never judge any of us for our successes as seen by mere men. But He will reward us for our willingness, availability, and quiet trust that He will assign each of us our part in preserving the Christian light in the Holy Land.

After all, this situation, as are all others, is always and only about advancing the Kingdom of God. As the Word clearly and frequently describes, our Righteous Father absolutely delights in placing His people in situations that inescapably and literally hamstring them on every side by military, political, and theological boundaries, financial constraints, international treaties, and countless other barriers.

Remember, God knew from the beginning of time that we would face all these things, because – He intentionally created this vast difficulty for us to face!


For, as it is written, “…without faith it is impossible to please Him.” (Hebrews 11:6a) But – with faith, all things are possible in God! (Matthew 19:26)

