A Veterans Day Tribute

I want to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very blessed Veteran’s Day.  As we unwind from a terrifically unsettling and divisive election cycle, we also want to wish each of you peace that only our Lord can provide. As citizens of the greatest nation on Earth, we still have the Constitutional right to start over and refresh the tree of liberty on every cycle as we the people desire!

Many of us who are military veterans have invested a significant amount of blood, sweat and tears in that Constitutional privilege and its many other costly blessings. As it is often stated, as veterans of this great nation under God, all of us paid some but many paid all. We honor the sacrifice of each of our Templar brothers and sisters today and for the price all of you paid to keep this nation free.

All these words sound a little superficial, I know, for they altogether omit the deeper hidden costs.

All of us paid some, many paid all and many, many more keep on paying.

For decades many of our brothers and sisters have laid awake at night and remembered things that war and conflict bring to this world that we do not want here in this country. So, we willingly traveled out there across the oceans to draw the fire and to draw the line so that our countrymen would not have to experience these horrors. That’s why we honor our veterans. They went out and saw and experienced what most of the nation did not have to, because they were there for us, holding the line, taking invisible fire and returning home with a lifetime of scaring.

Yet still, they are always there, protecting our shores and keeping the evil far away by guarding us in all the many various places that just suck.  (If you were there, you would understand the precision of that wording.) We thank you for that. We understand the permanent toll it required. And for those who did not pay all – the interest on the rest of the payment often comes due in the darkness of the night. In grateful appreciation for that sacrifice that does not end, we thank you and love you all for the real cost that you are still called on to pay.

God bless America! And God bless our veterans for whom we owe so very much.