The Hartford 2024 Grand Convent and Investiture

The last GC&I we attended before traveling to Hartford was, of course, hosted by the Temple Church in Orlando, Labor Day weekend 2023. So how did the 2023 and 2024 GC&Is compare from a close-and-personal viewpoint? For those of you unable to attend, here is your report!

They did not!

As this year’s Hartford GC&I Chairperson, Anne Fraley, published early on, “Hartford is not Orlando!” And it was not. Indeed, it was that clear distinction that made for a unique and engaging GC&I.

We planned, attended, and totally loved the Orlando GC&I. Likewise, we also enjoyed Hartford very much. The two GC&Is were very different – and each was exceptionally enjoyable specifically because of its differences. And both events unfolded brilliantly!

Early birds were offered the opportunity to enjoy dinner at the Nathan Hale Homestead on Wednesday and experience a day trip to Mystic Seaport on Thursday plus a welcome dinner at the historic Elizabeth Park Rose Garden’s Pond House Café that evening.

The 2024 GC&I officially opened for the Chamberlands with registration on Thursday, 6 March, before joining Chancellor Tom Beation and Commander Howard Giraldo for a light meal and excellent conversation. On Friday morning, after Chapel led by the Grand Chaplain followed by a quick Welcome Session, the various breakout sessions were held in the Mariott Hartford Downtown, including our Grand Masters of Postulants training for Grand Postulant Grayden Stewart, who is an exceptional young man sure to positively impact the Order.

Our afternoon was filled with GC&I ceremony rehearsal at the church with the Grand Postulant and Temple Church’s own Ray House, who acted as our Grand Masters of Postulants Assistant and Knight Protector. The Grand Prior’s Reception was held that evening in the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art.

And then (wait for it…)… wow! Just wow! I have never attended any reception, Templar or otherwise, whose setting was as extravagant or as spectacular as this one. The venue was in a great hall of art and sculpture that was both startling and breathtaking. I caught myself several times talking to fellow Templars but at the same time totally enraptured by and staring at the plentiful art. Combined with a great serving of hors d’oeuvres, wonderful company, and conversation, Claudia and I were personally amazed by the event. We hope to someday return for an uninterrupted day at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum.

After the Reception, the Postulant’s Vigil was held in the Center Church Chapel where we were surrounded by the glow of a very large stained glass centerpiece. Along with the Grand Chaplain’s participation and our GMOP Assistant and Knight Protector Ray House in full Templar regalia (including chain mail and sword), Grand Postulant Grayden, Priory of St. David of Wales, experienced a meaningful event sure to impact him for the rest of his life.

Saturday morning began with the Grand Council Meeting and General Session full of relevant business and interesting reports, especially concerning our mission to protect and defend Christians at risk in the Holy Land and the impact of the Raymond Davis Foundation and its scholarship program. Temple Church is happy to sponsor a university nursing student and a graduating high school student, besides multiple members privately sponsoring students.

Saturday afternoon was filled by the Grand Convent and Investiture in the Center Church Sanctuary. It was one of the most beautiful and very old churches I have ever been inside (with its congregational roots of settling Hartford in 1636), and we were surrounded by large stained glass art, five of which are original Tiffany’s. The astonishing white pulpit covering the breadth of the altar was crowned with a truly exquisite stained glass mural towering above it. I was so lost in the beauty of the sanctuary that it was difficult to keep track of the official proceedings going on around me.

The Convent and Investiture itself once again proved to be a moving and impactful event in our lives. The pageantry, reverent ceremony, beautiful music, induction of a new Templar Knight, presentation of promotions and awards, and inductions into the Order of Merit were stunning in the exceptional surroundings.

Finally, the GC&I ended with the cocktail reception and Grand Banquet back at the Mariott. The reception was another joyous opportunity to reunite with fellow Templars while perusing the Silent Auction items. And the Banquet meal was truly wonderful – nothing like an average hotel banquet meal. After even more great fellowship and fun, we ended the event as we always end them – quite sad to see our extended Templar family drift away once more.

But we look forward to next year when we’ll all gather for the 2025 Grand C&I hosted by the Priory of the Light in Scottsdale, Arizona, 6-8 June. We’d love for you to join us there!